Ei tosiaankaan ole mikään helppo juttu saada hienosti luettavia statseja tänne.
- Lainaus :
- If you're using V.1.2 of Mani Admin Plugin you can use the Mani Admin Plugin Stats Reader (Live Demo) to export your ranks/stats to a website. Be aware that some freehosts aren't really willing to host these Stats Readers.
If you're using V.1.1 or V.1.2 of Mani Admin Plugin, you can also use Fraggerstats to export your ranks/stats to a website.
http://www.mani-admin-plugin.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=27&Itemid=25Fraggerstatsia ei ole enää saatavilla, mutta Mani Admin Stats Readerin kotisivut ovat täällä:
http://www.mani-stats-reader.de/Jotta sen sais toimimaan niin se pitäis siis pystyä asentamaan tänne foorumille. Tässä ois asennusohjeet sen readme tiedostosta.
Asennus ohjeet:
1. Unpack all files
2. Loads you on the Web server highly into a directory
3. set with following folder and files chmod for 777
- folder where stats the readers files in it lie
- history
- mani_config.php
4. opening install.php by in the Browser the following enter
http://www.yourdomain.com/path_to_script/install.php5. enter all necessary data
-Mani Stats Reader Settings
- Language: "Select the Default Language for the Mani Stats Reader (German or English)"
- Style: "Select the Default Design (MSR_Black, MSR_Blue, MSR_Silver)"
- Rank Update-Interval: "In which time intervals is to be updated mani_ranks.txt (the smaller the period the repeatedly is updated it)"
- Player per page: "How many players are to be indicated according to standard on a side (for servers with many players in the Ranking itself max. 100 players indicate to let)"
-Gameserver Settings
- Game: "Select the play from which on the Gameserver runs"
- Gameserver&Webspace: "Select the appropriate mode"
- Internet: "Here Web space and Gameserver are on different computer need the Gameserver ftp server here"
- Local Network:"Here are Web space and Gameserver on the same server and there in the network easily without Steam ID"
- Root: "Here Web space and Gameserver on the same server are however it in the Internet easily with Steam ID"
- Gameserver IP / Port: "Give here the IP to address and the Port of your Gameservers on without: (example: IP: Port: 27015)"
- Servername: "Indicate the names of your server"
- Clan Homepage: "Write here your URL of your homepage purely (is all the same whether with
http:// or without)"
-FTP Settings (only if Gameserver&Webspace stands on Internet)
- FTP IP / Port: "Write in here the IP address and the Port of the ftp of server of your Gameserver (Port is according to standard 21 thus if you does not know which Port you used leaves untouched it)"
- Login-Name: "Write in here the user names of the ftp account of your Gameservers"
- Login-Password: "Write in here the password of the ftp account of your Gameservers"
-Path to mani_ranks.txt
- Path: "Here please purely wrote the path to mani_ranks.txt (behind DATA always/ or for Win LAN/Root \)"
- Examples: Internet: srcds/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/data/
Lan&Root Win: C:\srcds\cfg\mani_admin_plugin\data\
Lan&Root Linux: /home/srcds/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/data/
6. then click on save Settings
7. If everything was successful deletes install.php by hand of the Gameserver or memory you in another file otherwise could third your data with you enter and thus yours stats readers abuse
8. That is everything made is the installation so far finally thank you which you the Mani Stats reader used